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How to Create Planner Tabs in Microsoft Teams: Easy Guide

Published By Mohit Jha
Approved By Admin
Published On July 8th, 2024
The article covers the Planner tabs in Microsoft Teams, and benefits, and steps for creating and removing planner tabs are discussed. Planner tabs are vital to create and manage plans for projects to enhance overall collaboration and productivity. It is a powerful solution for managing tasks, and projects, or maintaining workflows that help to keep everything organized and easily accessible.

Microsoft Teams is a platform designed for seamless communication and collaboration. It is part of the Microsoft productivity suite. Teams provide impressive features like real-time messaging, meetings, and file sharing. It integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and others. Properly managing tasks in Teams is crucial to save time and stay productive. So, to make task management easy, Microsoft introduces a Planner app. It is a tool that helps in managing tasks, and project management and implements teamwork to enhance productivity. Integrates easily with other apps like Excel, PowerPoint, and others. Useful, in managing multiple projects at a time, as you can create Planner tabs to manage all of them easily. Users can easily create boards and buckets for their projects and other tasks to track their progress. In this article, we will see how to create Planner tabs in Microsoft Teams.

Planner Tabs in Microsoft Teams

Planner tabs are created within a Microsoft Teams channel to assign and manage tasks efficiently. They create boards for different tasks and projects and make it easy to manage them. It helps in boosting teamwork, collaboration, and productivity. They act as a visual board for your projects showing progress, and remaining parts all in one place.

Benefits of Using Planner Tabs in Teams

  • You can easily create visual boards for your projects which helps track progress and set project deadlines to achieve deadlines on time.
  • Easy to assign, and monitor the project activities.
  • Users can communicate and collaborate effectively with other Microsoft apps integrated within the Teams interface.
  • Users can create buckets to assign particular tasks to team members and also can assign priority for the tasks.
  • Files and comments can be directly attached to the planner tabs or to a specific category and bucket.

Steps to Create Planner Tabs in Microsoft Teams

  1. Use your Microsoft account credentials to sign in to your Teams.
  2. Select the “Channel” where you want to create a planner tab.
  3. Click on the “+” icon in the existing channel. Choose “Planner” from the pop-up window.
  4. Now, click on “Create a New Plan” and give the name and description for the task board. An existing board can also be used if you already created one.
  5. Save the changes. You have successfully created the planner board within your Team’s environment. Using a planner board, you can also create-
  • Create Buckets
  • Add and assign tasks
  • Update tasks
  • Chart progress( To see the plan’s progress)

Steps to Add Existing Planner Tab

  1. Sign in to your teams and navigate to the channel where you want to add a planner.
  2. Click on “+” and choose a planner from the given list.
  3. Check the dialog box with the option “Use an Existing Plan from this Team”.
  4. Select “Existing Plan” and save the changes.

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Methods to Remove Planner Tabs

There are two methods to remove planner tabs, users can choose as per their requirements. The steps for both methods are discussed below:

1. Remove Planner Tabs Only with Planner Remains Intact

  • Go to the channel from which you want to remove the planner tab.
  • Select and right-click on the planner tab you want to remove.
  • Click on “Remove” from the menu.
  • Teams will give a message with the option “Remove the Tab with Planner Intact”. Click on “Remove” to only remove the “Planner Tab”.

2. Delete the Entire Planner(Including Tabs)

  • Navigate to Teams Channel where the planner tab is located.
  • Select the planner tab you want to delete. Right-click and choose to remove from the menu.
  • A pop-up will appear with two options- “Remove Tabs” only(default option), and “Delete Entire Planner and its Tasks”.
  • Choose the “Delete Entire Planner and its Tasks” option and click on “Remove”.

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This guide covers the steps to create planner tabs in Microsoft Teams and their benefits. We have discussed steps to add a new planner tab, and for using the existing one. The two methods are discussed to remove planner tabs, which users can choose as per their requirements. They easily remove planner tabs only or can delete the entire planner including all its tasks. These Planner tabs can enhance your team’s productivity and collaboration. You can follow the steps discussed in this guide and easily manage your tasks. This will keep your projects organized and enhance the overall experience.


1. How do I add a Planner tab in Teams?

There are several ways to add a planner tab in Microsoft Teams. The simplest method is to choose “View More Apps”, and then search for Planner and then select Add.

2. Can I add an existing Planner to Teams?

Yes, you can add an existing Planner to Teams. Follow the below steps to add:

  • Click on the “+” icon located at the top of your channel or chat.
  • Click on “Create a new plan” and give a name and description for the new Planner board.
  • Select “Use an existing plan” and choose an existing Planner board from the menu.

3. Can I create buckets in Teams?

Yes, you can create buckets in Teams for To-do tasks and other purposes. To create a bucket in Teams, go to your project, select board, choose Group, and select Bucket. Click on “Add bucket”, give a name and description for your bucket, and press “Enter”.

4. Can I move Planner tasks between Teams?

You can move a “Plan” from one Team to another by copying between the Teams. It will create a new Plan for the new Team, with a copy of the same tasks, plans, assignments, and due dates.

5. How do I automatically create tasks in Planner?

To automate the process, you can set automation rules in Microsoft Planner. Navigate to the “ Automation Tab” and click on the “+” icon to add a new rule. Give a name to a new rule and specify the criteria under which it should trigger. For ex- You can create rules like assigning a task automatically to a particular person whenever the task is created.